Do you want to live with us?

You will not only respect our values, but you will also adopt them! You will understand that we have no limits when it comes to satire, not even with our own God.

-“Mom, why are those people throwing stones at the park?
-“Don’t worry, sweetheart. They’re just stoning a woman who left her husband. It’s their culture; don’t misjudge them

This is what multiculturalism means: different sets of “values” coexisting in the same neighborhood, in the same building, with each functioning alongside the other. It’s not about occasionally eating at a Chinese or Mexican restaurant. Is there a place on Earth where this actually happens? NOWHERE! Has it ever existed? NEVER! Multiracial societies, yes—where people of different racial backgrounds live together but share ONE culture: common basic values. To be specific: a value of Western civilization is the equality of women and men. This was hard-won, after much bloodshed, many Hypatias, and many “witches” burned at the stake. But it was achieved. Period. Another value is freedom of speech: the well-known “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, whether Voltaire said it or not.

Shall we list more? Individual rights, religious tolerance, acceptance of diversity, economic freedom. And above all: the ability of a society to evolve and shape its future. For those idiots who always make the same prefab comments: yes, “we” also have dictatorships, censorship, thuggery, religious zealots, fanatics, dictators, holocausts, men who beat their wives, pedophiles, incest, murderers. But they are considered violators of our common values and are punished. And if a fanatic priest starts preaching racism from the pulpit, he’s treated as a comic figure, material for jokes on social media.

Which of these Western values does Islam share? None!

Can it coexist with Western civilization? Let’s not rush to answer before understanding a fundamental mistake in comparing Christianity and Islam.

This isn’t just about comparing religions. All religions, without exception, didn’t limit themselves to managing the afterlife. They didn’t stick to addressing the philosophical questions of life and the explanations their founders or apostles attempted to give. They extended into all areas of human behavior. They established rules of law, even hygiene. According to the Old Testament, a woman on her period is impure. According to the New Testament, the man is the head of the woman, and premarital relations are fornication, as is “unnatural” sex within marriage. (All religions demonized pleasures because they recognized the threat of their liberating effect.) And since every religion, to strengthen its positions, claims divine inspiration, it becomes trapped in it. The divinely inspired is also perfect, meaning final— you can’t change it!

But life moves on. The way of life that existed 2,000 years ago in Judea is outdated today. Just as outdated is the way of life that existed 1,400 years ago in the Arabian desert when Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (for friends, Muhammad) “launched” Islam.

Western civilization may have been slow, but it understood

And it restricted religion to churches. Even the religion itself, recognizing the anachronism of its doctrines, turns a blind eye and marries a pregnant bride, although she has clearly “fornicated.” The Pope may still condemn contraception, but no one forbids condoms. A para-religious organization may print a pamphlet about the “sins of the mouth and eyes,” but it doesn’t dare propose legislation to punish sinners. Even though in Greece religion sometimes influences secular power in a way unacceptable for a Western state, and even though fanatics protest outside theaters with “blasphemous” plays, no one is beheaded in public for being an infidel, no woman is flogged for walking unaccompanied, no child undergoes female genital mutilation.

In the West, the underground current of rationalism and questioning of all authority (political, religious, scientific) that flowed for centuries from the legacy of Greco-Roman thought eventually swept away and toppled medieval religious barbarism. Islam never achieved this transcendence. Without a cultural identity before Muhammad, without an Antigone openly opposing laws, with one gender entirely excluded from any production (except childbirth), it remained stuck in the lifestyle of 600 AD. It was convenient too, as an authoritarian, intolerant religion is a perfect partner for an equally authoritarian, expansionist power. Even the enlightened period of the Fatimids couldn’t last: Saladin quickly extinguished it, restoring Sunni orthodoxy.

Thus, today, Christianity cannot be compared to Islam—they are incomparable. Christianity is now just a religion, only for those who believe, and in whatever way (substantial or purely formal) they choose to practice it. Its other ambitions have been deactivated. Islam remains a universal way of life and, naturally, legislation.

Of course, not all Muslims are the same

There are Muslims in Serbia, European Turkey, Lebanon, Persia, Malaysia, the Emirates, and Egypt who are even atheists. But they are the minority. In some countries, they are a desperately small and persecuted minority. In contrast, there is a vast number of Muslims worldwide who have adopted in their daily behavior the most repugnant and inhumane practices imaginable. We saw this with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, in Chechnya, in Yemen, and now in Syria with the Islamic Caliphate. What is their goal? They’ve never hidden it. The destruction of Western civilization! If Christianity, with its “love your enemies” and “after a first and second admonition, reject” reached the point of organizing crusades and public executions by fire, what do you expect Islam, whose doctrine itself commands the spread of the religion by the sword, to do?

The answer to the question of whether the Western world and Islam can coexist depends on the type of Islam we’re talking about. If we’re referring to the minority version that has, like Christianity, confined itself to the salvation of the soul and a few rituals once a year, the answer is obviously yes, they can coexist.

But if we’re talking about the hordes of beasts who slaughter innocents while filming the “ceremony” on their mobile phones, the answer is NEVER and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES! There is not a one-in-a-million chance that they will modernize. When you have half your population in uselessness and fight technological advances, you have no future. You are condemned to poverty and underdevelopment forever. The gap between the West and fanatical Islam will only widen. And because no fanatic accepts that their fanaticism is the cause of their misery, they will seek the enemy in the face of the other: the hated Western world (hated since the Crusades).

Don’t be quick to say “it doesn’t concern me.”

The 9/11 terrorists lived in Germany and America. In Europe, jihadists recruit the new “martyrs of Allah.” According to official figures from France, Belgium, and Germany, at least 3,000 European citizens, Muslims with European identities, are currently fighting in Syria as part of jihadist ranks. Already, 14 French volunteer Islamists have been killed. Do we know how many have gone from Greece?

If and when all these people return, after being “trained” in beheadings, torture, mass executions, sworn to spread Islam by exterminating its opponents, how easy do you think it will be for them to reintegrate into Western values of mutual respect and tolerance? Or were they never truly part of it?

Western values are based on a delusion: they assume the other person naturally accepts them. Reality proves otherwise. Hundreds of thousands of female genital mutilations are illegally performed every year in Europe by Muslim doctors or “razor-wielding” practitioners. Millions of Muslim women suffer physical or psychological violence daily but do not report it because the retribution from their community would be much worse.

Would a law be against human rights if it required all girls from Muslim families to be examined annually by a non-Muslim gynecologist from birth to adulthood, and in case of female genital mutilation, the parents would be immediately deported, and the child given up for adoption?

Would it be excessive if the countries of origin of European jihadists banned their return to their “homeland”?

Would it be intolerant of other cultures to consider all child marriages invalid?

And because there is a disturbingly large segment of “professional unilateral humanitarians” who heavily weigh the rights of Muslims but lightly those of everyone else, let me clarify for the umpteenth time that I am equally disturbed by fanaticism whether it’s Christian, Confucian, or by a follower of the flying spaghetti monster.

But I won’t fight to eradicate the last remnants of christian medievalism while you let the entire Nile of Muslim medievalism flood in through the back door, supposedly in the name of respecting “diversity”! We won’t write full-page articles about the Bishop of Piraeus and Kalavryta while ignoring the Mufti who says the same or worse! We denounce—and rightly so—the slap a European bully gives his wife, but turn a blind eye when girls are flogged or executed simply for wanting to go to school?

The Western world, and especially American politics, made monstrous, unforgivable mistakes in handling fanatical Islamism. First, they armed and trained them as a counterbalance to the former Soviet influence. How foolish! How shortsighted! Even now, they continue to arm them to supposedly establish democracy in a part of the world that has never known it and can’t handle it, while at the same time enforcing Sharia and dreaming of a theocratic caliphate! And as the icing on the cake, they maintain the best relations with the loathsome stronghold of Islamic medievalism, Saudi Arabia, which finances most jihadists.

Moreover, the unbelievable: they allowed, within Europe, the spread of Islamic totalitarianism. They allowed the problem to grow into a domestic one, attacking the family that hosts them!

This western willful blindness must stop as soon as possible!

On the battlefields of fanatics, there’s no place for good manners, only for the military. Whether through the UN or NATO, it doesn’t matter. The essence is that they must be defeated and neutralized. If this isn’t done now, while things are still manageable, it will have to be done when the jihadists have become so strong that they impose the terms of the conflict.

In Europe itself, even if it’s late, certain things must be said as clearly as possible:

Do you want to live with us? You will not only respect our values, but you will also adopt them!
You will not refrain from whipping a homosexual just because you’re afraid of getting caught, but because you accept that everyone has control over their own body, and no one else has the right to interfere.
You will understand that we have no limits when it comes to satire, not even with our own God.
So, we can do the same with yours.
You will definitely watch “The Life of Brian” and think about it in a Muslim version. If you find it clever, stay. If you become outraged by the irreverence, sorry, but you are not suited for Europe.
No, we have no obligation to respect your prehistoric “principles.” We would if we came to live in your homeland. But you came here.
I’m not saying we are superior or inferior because there is no external judge to decide that. But we are different.
This is how we live here. If you like it, great. If you don’t, there’s also a ticket for departure.
And if you insist on not leaving, there’s deportation.
And on the plane back to the sacred land of Allah, as you read the program of public spectacles in your beloved homeland (hangings, beheadings, amputations, floggings…), you will have plenty of time to think about how multiculturalism would look on the main boulevard of Riyadh: teenage couples walking and kissing on the mouth—the girls wearing short skirts and sleeveless tops without bras, like they do in the summer in Paris, Rome, and Athens.

You would never accept it, would you? Neither do we accept you.

This article was written in 2014 by Thanos Tzimeros, former President of Dimiourgía Xaná, the libertarian party of Greece, and published in Translated in English by members of Dimiourgía Xaná.

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